55. The world has been made by fools that wise men should live in it. 愚人创造了这个世界,智者不得不活在其中。 56. The Book of Life begins with a man and a woman in a garden...
外国人一般看病都是去“诊所”clinic,一般的病诊所都能治好。如果诊所的医生处理不了,就会给他办手续转到大医院hospital,也就是说需要去hospital说明病情已经比较严重了。 hospital前面...
《老友记》剧组17年后重聚节目开拍 六位主角回归 The Friends reunion has been filmed in Los Angeles: Here's what we know 等了一年又一年,在经典美剧《老友记》剧终近17年后,原主...
全球最幸福国家 中国跻身前20名 This country has just been named the happiest in the world 在全球遭遇了百年不遇的疫情后,世界最幸福国家榜首却没有易主,依然还是芬兰。冰岛、丹...
It can be judged that the epidemic prevention and control in Fujian has obviously achieved phased progress," Zheng Kuicheng, the director of Fujian CDC, told media on Monda...